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The Hall of Fame of the Vienna Museum of Military History is the most representative room of Austria's oldest museum building, dating back to 1850. The frescoes by Karl von Blaas, installed throughout the building and primarily in the Hall of Fame, form an impressive and uniquely high-quality example of visual memory culture. The paintings depict significant events from Austrian military history, ranging from the Middle Ages to the mid-19th century.

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Unfortunately, the viewing distance for museum visitors is very large, as the hall is about 30 meters high. To make the frescoes more accessible and easier to view, the entire space was photographed in high resolution and virtually reconstructed for the HGM Ruhmeshalle VR project. The interactive interpretation now brings the narrative directly to the visitors from a great height, offering new perspectives as well as an intuitive, contemporary reception of the overall story. HGM Ruhmeshalle VR thus represents an innovative supplementary offer for mediation and knowledge transfer – both on-site at the museum and online. My role involved developing the construction plans for the mobile adjustable monitor.

Interfacedesign, Produktdesign und Umsetzung: Andreas Pawlik, Christian Manser Konzept, Design und Projektmanagement: Christian Manser, Andreas Pawlik Programmierung: Manuel Steinböck 3D-Konstruktion: Mihai Spanache Rendering Ruhmeshalle Overview: Maik Perfahl Fotografie: Reinhold Leitner, cupix Video: Stella Butz, Leo Mühlfeld Musik: radian
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